Anyway, forget about the previous post
Let's forget it, manx!
Aniway, I'm not sure whether I should post this post or not
Hmmm, aniway I have a few words I want to tell someone
Hmmm, sorry for not contacting you lately
But I got read your posts everyday...
Nah, you seem to think wrongly...well you can't predict our feelings, you know?!?
Aniway, want to ask you one question?
What are friends for???
Friends are for sharing happiness, sadness and problems and blah blah blah
so I will never feel tired if you want to share things with me such as happiness, sadness or even nonsense
Please don't ever think you are the pole in the middle of our roads eh!
I always welcome you to disturb me anytime you want because my life will get bored if you don't
and also because you are my friend and I care about you
so don't ever think that way, you know
The short people and I will always be there for you, well maybe I can't appear in front of you when you need me but I guess you can sms me :D
Aniway, don't think that way, okays?!?
That's all I want to tell you...:D
Sweet dream to you!!!
Wish best things will happen to you soon :D
Have an awesome Christmas tomorrow, people!!!
Love, xoxo
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Today likes totally OMG day for me!!!
Everything doesn't seem go smoothly to me, damn friggin unlucky and embarrassing please!
Got scolded from my tutor for nothing, damn friggin annoyed please!
Went to bubble tea shop and guess what???
I broke 2 glasses and spoiled my cousin's handphone
okays, I know I shouldn't get too high
had nothing to say for the results of my reactions
Fine, I know I'm childish, I know it's my mistake, okays!
I already feel enough embarrassed so I don't want anyone add anymore things to it
(well, I know it's not good for getting annoyed at you all but I already knew it's my fault, so please stop making fun at me)
(try to control myself next time...maybe I shouldn't go out anymore so I won't make you guys feel embarrassed because of me, happy?)
Why can't you just leave me alone?!? It made me really annoyed
Damn friggin angry at myself blah
Okays, forget it
Everything doesn't seem go smoothly to me, damn friggin unlucky and embarrassing please!
Got scolded from my tutor for nothing, damn friggin annoyed please!
Went to bubble tea shop and guess what???
I broke 2 glasses and spoiled my cousin's handphone
okays, I know I shouldn't get too high
had nothing to say for the results of my reactions
Fine, I know I'm childish, I know it's my mistake, okays!
I already feel enough embarrassed so I don't want anyone add anymore things to it
(well, I know it's not good for getting annoyed at you all but I already knew it's my fault, so please stop making fun at me)
(try to control myself next time...maybe I shouldn't go out anymore so I won't make you guys feel embarrassed because of me, happy?)
Why can't you just leave me alone?!? It made me really annoyed
Damn friggin angry at myself blah
Okays, forget it
Monday, December 22, 2008
I normally say people are lame for doing this, doing that
But I think I finally understood why people do such things even though they know it's lame and pointless
I'm actually one of them now. I can't understand myself.
No matter how hard I try to erase, it just comes back whenever I see pieces of can't be faded away...
so can it actually be faded away with times?!?
really can't bear it...Am I really strong or I just pretend I am?!?
I need someone to lend me listening ears, right now!
Well...aniway...I'm so confused!
But I think I finally understood why people do such things even though they know it's lame and pointless
I'm actually one of them now. I can't understand myself.
No matter how hard I try to erase, it just comes back whenever I see pieces of can't be faded away...
so can it actually be faded away with times?!?
really can't bear it...Am I really strong or I just pretend I am?!?
I need someone to lend me listening ears, right now!
Well...aniway...I'm so confused!
Weeee.......hello...give me one warm and big hug please :D
Got anyone miss me?!? Well, I guess there are a lot, teehee (just kidding) :P
Have been super busy with stuffs that's why I didn't have time to update my blog recently :D
Have been super busy with stuffs that's why I didn't have time to update my blog recently :D
Aniway, let's welcome laptop eh
It's finally back from vacation, miss it so much :D
Now updating this post by using my own laptop :X:X:X
Dear laptop, I promise will take a good care of you from now on :D
Won't spoil you again, teehee :D
Okays, let's u-turn back to previous days:
On Sat:
Had Eng tuition at 9a.m till 11.a.m
Online-ed awhile to wait for my next tuition at 1p.m
Saw Erni online-ed too, we chatted quite long, until 3+ I think
My tutor called and canceled the tuition
So yayyyy, I would have free time to do my stuff
Offline-ed and went down to the kitchen to make Flan Cakes :D
Made it until 6++. started to change to go out and buy birthday cake for my mom
Because 21.12.2008 is her birthday :D
Bought birthday cake, candles, cards and of course balloons :D
Went home to put down stuffs and then met my cousins and friends at Saigon (centre of the city-sumthing likes Orchard road)
It was super crowded there please, many vehicles and people, super hot please
we walked walked along the road to see the sparkle lights and took photos
had lots of fun while walking on the road
and one more thing...we kept eating and drinking while we were walking, spent a lot of money there :(
Aniway, my cousin saw they were selling umbrella and he asked me to buy it
I was very *sotong*
Me: Why do I have to buy?
My cousin: don't understand??? *giggles*
Me: huh? understand what thing??? *roll eyes*
My cousin: crazy auntie umbrella...*giggles*
Me: Ohhh...haha....started laughing like mad
and ta-daaaaaaaaa, I bought it for *auntie*, teehee :D
My friend, me and my cousin and my bro
Umbrella :D:D:D
On Sun:
Woke up at 5a.m in the morning
But actually it can't be called "wake up"
Because I only slept for 20 minutes, ya!
We (my bors, my cousins, my friend and me) actually celebrated my mother's birthday at 12a.m
then we ate the cake
after that, we still felt hungry so ate instant noodle
my crazy brother said one sentence that made all of us couldn't sleep after that
My bro: Whoever sleeps tonight will become a DOG, yes...DOG
That's made us didn't sleep at all because nobody wanted to be a dog, teehee
We went up and played card till 4++ until we couldn't take it anymore
and we just went and slept without caring about becoming a dog, lol
we chit-chatted till 5.oo am
5.20 my mom came up and woke us up
because we had to get ready to followe the group of doctors who was going to do charity work at the coutryside
sat on the bus for 2 hours long to reach there...I was super sleepy that I really couldn't lit up my eyes
while the doctors were checking for the old, poor people, I helped to usher them to correct place
I helped to give out their medicine too, aniway it was super tired and fun
Super hard to find the patient and gave them the correct medicine
Aniway, I was proud of myself for doing something helpful
The group managed to help 1000 people,wow....amazing *claps*
I would like to go on this kind of trip again :D
Back-ed home at 6pm
bathed and got ready to go to the restaurant to celebrate my mom's birthday :X
Home-ed at 11pm
My auntie and Rita
My family portrait :X:X:X
Kays, that's all for today
Have a great day!
Love, xoxo
Friday, December 19, 2008
weeeeeeeeee...I'm back
I didn't have afternoon tuition yesterday so my mom asked me go shopping with her
Was super excited and I even wrote out one long list what I wanted to buy, teehee
But then she took me go shopping mall that only sells food and things for home :(
ended up choosing snacks and candies instead, lol
bought a lot a lot of snacks, candies and instant noodle, too
recently, I like to eat instand noodle le, super insane huh?
after that my mom dropped me and my brother at the bookstore
went there to meet my 2 cousins and my pri-friend :D
we stayed there to paint the hello kitty statue
sat there for 4 hours just to paint it, insane huh?
after that we went to eat Pho, super nice :x:x:x
I ordered large one, I almost couldn't finish it :)
on the way home, I went to bubble tea shop to buy bubble tea for my brother as I had promised him earlier
I bought 3 in total
-one for me
-one for my brother
-and one for my friend...but it turned out one for my friend
and my 2 cousins came my house to meet me again
I saw them then I automatically passed them all my bubble tea :(
after talking to them happily walked into the house
totally forgot that I had no bubble tea left to give my brother later
when I saw my brother:
My bro: where's my bubble tea?
Me: *roll eyes* huh? what's bubble tea?
My bro: you said you would buy me bubble tea, remember?
Me:** *giggles*
I then realised it and laughed until stomache...I'm so *sotong* manx
to correct my mistake, I called my aunt to help me buy another bubble tea for my brother again :P
That's all for today update
Gonna go shopping to buy my shoes with my cousin again, teehee
Now is my result of ater 4 hours of paiting :D
I painted it to give that mad kitty :P
Have a great day!!!
Love, xoxo
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Went to meet Rita the other day to get my stuffs.
I received a "♥ letter" from ___, ___, ___, :D
okays, after reading it, I was touched and kept giggling like mad person :x
I reconsider it again, I would like to accept it, teehee :D
Eh, I have something I want to complain about it, too
The left page was fine bt the second page is totally messy, teehee
it drives me insane when I was reading it, but I love it aniway, thanks mad secret people :P *giggles*
Okays, here is the photo of my "♥ letter" ...
super wordy please *my eyes got spammed with words* @_@"

Nice drawing :X:X:X

These faces are super funny, I love the green face the most, looks damn stupid and funny :D:D:D

I found something very interesting on my pencil case
Here it goes: "Best friends go shopping together right after a fight"
so it means, I have to have more fights so that I can go shopping more often, teehee *joking*
Now are some random pics of my holiday homework:
I received a "♥ letter" from ___, ___, ___, :D
okays, after reading it, I was touched and kept giggling like mad person :x
I reconsider it again, I would like to accept it, teehee :D
Eh, I have something I want to complain about it, too
The left page was fine bt the second page is totally messy, teehee
it drives me insane when I was reading it, but I love it aniway, thanks mad secret people :P *giggles*
Okays, here is the photo of my "♥ letter" ...

super wordy please *my eyes got spammed with words* @_@"

Nice drawing :X:X:X

These faces are super funny, I love the green face the most, looks damn stupid and funny :D:D:D

I found something very interesting on my pencil case
Here it goes: "Best friends go shopping together right after a fight"
so it means, I have to have more fights so that I can go shopping more often, teehee *joking*
Now are some random pics of my holiday homework:
The clock
and the BANANA, haha, I bet baboon gonna love it :X:X:X
I just bought new spectacles too,
Some pics of my new spectales :D:D:D :D:D:D *too yellow, giggles*

Purple...purple...purple :X:X:X

and :X:X:X
My painting :X:X:X *done it with nad's help, thanks mad kitty :P*
That's all for today update...
Have an awesome day, people!!! :D:D:D
Ps: Mad shorties and tallie...hope you have a nice outing today :D
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Let's welcome my new blogskin, teehee
It's so bright but I love it aniway :X:X:X
Went to beach last was lovely and enjoyable...EXCEPT the part that I was a little sleepy and kept yawning
Christmas shopping with my mom the other day...bought many many many stuffs for myself and my brothers
It's enjoyable to go shop with my mom because I don't need to pay anything with my own money pocket, teehee
Thank mom, really ♥ you, muahhahaha
Gonna have tuition soon, haiz...from 1pm to 5pm...gonna die soon
wish me luck :D:D:D
after tuition, I maybe gonna meet Rita to get my *♥* letter from 3 *sickening* secret admirers, teehee *giggles*
then I gonna hang out with my besties today, feeling so excited :D
Okays, that's all for today update! Will update you all again SOON :P
Ps: ys, you must go this thurs and wear that shirt *giggles* if you don't want me to punish you to clean 10 floors, this is the command from me, the principal, teehee *joking*, don't take it to the heart, sweetie, okays??? aniway, just hope you will agree to go :D:D:D
Pps: waiting for your good news, *giggles*
Let's welcome my new blogskin, teehee
It's so bright but I love it aniway :X:X:X
Went to beach last was lovely and enjoyable...EXCEPT the part that I was a little sleepy and kept yawning
Christmas shopping with my mom the other day...bought many many many stuffs for myself and my brothers
It's enjoyable to go shop with my mom because I don't need to pay anything with my own money pocket, teehee
Thank mom, really ♥ you, muahhahaha
Gonna have tuition soon, haiz...from 1pm to 5pm...gonna die soon
wish me luck :D:D:D
after tuition, I maybe gonna meet Rita to get my *♥* letter from 3 *sickening* secret admirers, teehee *giggles*
then I gonna hang out with my besties today, feeling so excited :D
Okays, that's all for today update! Will update you all again SOON :P
Ps: ys, you must go this thurs and wear that shirt *giggles* if you don't want me to punish you to clean 10 floors, this is the command from me, the principal, teehee *joking*, don't take it to the heart, sweetie, okays??? aniway, just hope you will agree to go :D:D:D
Pps: waiting for your good news, *giggles*
Friday, December 5, 2008
Lalala...I'm in super duper HAPPY mood right now!
Coz...sumthing happened today...
heehee...You DREAM ON...
Nah, coz I'm not gonna tell you guys what it is about, heehee :D
Okays, this morning I woke up at 8am, early right???
*feel so proud of myself*
heehee watched TV awhile before going for my *EARLY BREAKFAST* :D
Had tuition at 11am
Then went to my grandma house for party
Met my niece there, heehee, she's SUPER CUTE
for the first time she came and played wif me without being forced, haahaa
*actually her parents were not there and she was left alone there*
She is so young and she already likes to drink bubble tea...
Kays, she asked me to take her go buy bubble tea...
borrowed my cousin's bike to go n buy for her bubble tea
I thought the bubble tea shop is near my grandma house...
Bt the place was lyk omg...super FAR plssssssssssssss
I was like just taking a bath when I got back to my grandma house...
Haiz...being a GOOD auntie is so harsh and tough job
Nvm, I will try my best, lol
around evening, my cousins started to come
and the place became super crowded and SUPER DUPER NOISY plssssss
all the cousins were lyk chatting groups by groups
and the kids kept running around and made a lot of noises
around 6pm I had to leave first coz I had to meet up wif my friend
Then we went to watch drama show at her school, super nice n enjoyable :D
back-ed home at 110pm and my cousins came my house
Had a chat wif them in front of my house...
wif the background music is ""
coz we were a good meat for the mosquito
Then I tried to ride my cousin's motobyke
Heehee, I drove him all the way to the main street
My skill is finally level-ed up :D
*feel so proud*
However, I was almost bang into the other's cousin's motobyke...
Reaching to the end of the road and we had to decide to turn left or right
Me: *we are going for a drink so we must turn left to go to the main road*
Me: *turning left without saying a word*
My cousin: *thinking we are going home so turned right*
Left and right, yeah...I was almost bang into did he T__T
and I lost control of the motobyke and I almost fell down...
luckily, the other cousin sitting behind me took over me and controlled the motobyke...
Phewwwwwww.........thx God! I won't try it again, promise!
we 3 then giggled after that...
Kays...tat's all for today!
Byebye and have a awesome day!
Love, xoxo
Coz...sumthing happened today...
heehee...You DREAM ON...
Nah, coz I'm not gonna tell you guys what it is about, heehee :D
Okays, this morning I woke up at 8am, early right???
*feel so proud of myself*
heehee watched TV awhile before going for my *EARLY BREAKFAST* :D
Had tuition at 11am
Then went to my grandma house for party
Met my niece there, heehee, she's SUPER CUTE
for the first time she came and played wif me without being forced, haahaa
*actually her parents were not there and she was left alone there*
She is so young and she already likes to drink bubble tea...
Kays, she asked me to take her go buy bubble tea...
borrowed my cousin's bike to go n buy for her bubble tea
I thought the bubble tea shop is near my grandma house...
Bt the place was lyk omg...super FAR plssssssssssssss
I was like just taking a bath when I got back to my grandma house...
Haiz...being a GOOD auntie is so harsh and tough job
Nvm, I will try my best, lol
around evening, my cousins started to come
and the place became super crowded and SUPER DUPER NOISY plssssss
all the cousins were lyk chatting groups by groups
and the kids kept running around and made a lot of noises
around 6pm I had to leave first coz I had to meet up wif my friend
Then we went to watch drama show at her school, super nice n enjoyable :D
back-ed home at 110pm and my cousins came my house
Had a chat wif them in front of my house...
wif the background music is ""
coz we were a good meat for the mosquito
Then I tried to ride my cousin's motobyke
Heehee, I drove him all the way to the main street
My skill is finally level-ed up :D
*feel so proud*
However, I was almost bang into the other's cousin's motobyke...
Reaching to the end of the road and we had to decide to turn left or right
Me: *we are going for a drink so we must turn left to go to the main road*
Me: *turning left without saying a word*
My cousin: *thinking we are going home so turned right*
Left and right, yeah...I was almost bang into did he T__T
and I lost control of the motobyke and I almost fell down...
luckily, the other cousin sitting behind me took over me and controlled the motobyke...
Phewwwwwww.........thx God! I won't try it again, promise!
we 3 then giggled after that...
Kays...tat's all for today!
Byebye and have a awesome day!
Love, xoxo
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Ellooooooooooooooo everybody.....
Anione miss me???
I guess the answer is no, rite ;;)
Kays...let's update some info about me :D
Backkkk to my hometown on 15 November
Bt until nw then update :P
Coz I've gone out everyday...super busy wif stuffs to update
N 1 more thing is I'm having lots n lots of fun here...yeah?
I hope so...*grin*
N I did take lots n lots of photos...until my camera is spammed :(
so I will let's the photos explain everything, okays
promise will give you all a *bomb* to your comp when my laptop is back from vacation :P
so...let's wait for my comp, okays?
Kays, let's u-turn to yesterday...
Promised to meet my Pri- friends at my house
They came super early than I've expected...
Talked n talked for hours...
then went to bubble tea shop n carried on our important task...
which is TALKING...yeah
*talkative is our talents...can talk NON-STOP*
Then went to play badminton n suddenly we wanted to fly kite...
bt we didn't have kite at all...
Went to search for the kite to buy 1...
finding the kite is super hard job, kays...
coz nt many ppl play kite nowadays...
Managed to find the place to sell kite near my cousin's house
Then we went to fly the guess wad???
there was NO WIND...yeah...super upset pls coz before we bought the kite...
there was super windy...tat's y we decided to fly kite *super disappointed*
We all wanted to fight agaisnt the nature so we still wanted to fly kite tho' there was NO WIND...
one of my friend held the kite n another one held the string n started running from 1 end of the road
RUN...RUN...RUN...till the other end of the road...the kite seemeed to fly up...
yeah...*jumps for joy*
bt the joy onli lasted for 30 seconds?
n landed on the ground at the 31st second *sad*
Determined to fly it so we didn't give up after the 1st round...
Ran for 10 rounds I tink...and we took turn to run...
(haha...actually only the 4 guys in the group took turn...
I n the gurls just stood there n cheered for them...teehee :D)
After tat we were very thirsty so went to my cousin's house to ask for sum water
yeah...n I teased my nephew...he's super cute...see my face then cries already...
*I lyk kids when they r crying*
hehe...i'm so *EVIL* then we karaoke-ed until evening...then went for dinner at 9pm
Had much much fun wif my friends...:D
Stayed at home whole bt actually it wasn't really called *staying*
coz I woke up at 12pm...hehe....
Went down for *super-late BREAKFAST* :P
then online-ed
n my younger bro bought me bubble nice! muackssssss
then followed my mom to buy red-packets for Chinese New Year...sat there n chose for 3hours
then we went to shopping n my harvest is
TADAH....a NEW HANDPHONE...*grin...grin*
bt it's NOT FOR ME *sad*
it's for my bro...I helped him to convince my mom to buy for him...*I'm so kind*
Went home after all...haiz...whole day go shopping bt I gt NOTHING for myself...
kays...tat's all for today
Hav an awesome day, people!
Anione miss me???
I guess the answer is no, rite ;;)
Kays...let's update some info about me :D
Backkkk to my hometown on 15 November
Bt until nw then update :P
Coz I've gone out everyday...super busy wif stuffs to update
N 1 more thing is I'm having lots n lots of fun here...yeah?
I hope so...*grin*
N I did take lots n lots of photos...until my camera is spammed :(
so I will let's the photos explain everything, okays
promise will give you all a *bomb* to your comp when my laptop is back from vacation :P
so...let's wait for my comp, okays?
Kays, let's u-turn to yesterday...
Promised to meet my Pri- friends at my house
They came super early than I've expected...
Talked n talked for hours...
then went to bubble tea shop n carried on our important task...
which is TALKING...yeah
*talkative is our talents...can talk NON-STOP*
Then went to play badminton n suddenly we wanted to fly kite...
bt we didn't have kite at all...
Went to search for the kite to buy 1...
finding the kite is super hard job, kays...
coz nt many ppl play kite nowadays...
Managed to find the place to sell kite near my cousin's house
Then we went to fly the guess wad???
there was NO WIND...yeah...super upset pls coz before we bought the kite...
there was super windy...tat's y we decided to fly kite *super disappointed*
We all wanted to fight agaisnt the nature so we still wanted to fly kite tho' there was NO WIND...
one of my friend held the kite n another one held the string n started running from 1 end of the road
RUN...RUN...RUN...till the other end of the road...the kite seemeed to fly up...
yeah...*jumps for joy*
bt the joy onli lasted for 30 seconds?
n landed on the ground at the 31st second *sad*
Determined to fly it so we didn't give up after the 1st round...
Ran for 10 rounds I tink...and we took turn to run...
(haha...actually only the 4 guys in the group took turn...
I n the gurls just stood there n cheered for them...teehee :D)
After tat we were very thirsty so went to my cousin's house to ask for sum water
yeah...n I teased my nephew...he's super cute...see my face then cries already...
*I lyk kids when they r crying*
hehe...i'm so *EVIL* then we karaoke-ed until evening...then went for dinner at 9pm
Had much much fun wif my friends...:D
Stayed at home whole bt actually it wasn't really called *staying*
coz I woke up at 12pm...hehe....
Went down for *super-late BREAKFAST* :P
then online-ed
n my younger bro bought me bubble nice! muackssssss
then followed my mom to buy red-packets for Chinese New Year...sat there n chose for 3hours
then we went to shopping n my harvest is
TADAH....a NEW HANDPHONE...*grin...grin*
bt it's NOT FOR ME *sad*
it's for my bro...I helped him to convince my mom to buy for him...*I'm so kind*
Went home after all...haiz...whole day go shopping bt I gt NOTHING for myself...
kays...tat's all for today
Hav an awesome day, people!
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