One more year has gone...another year's taking over the year 2008
2008....a year of many memories...and many things that taught me to grow up
A year for me to realise who always care for me and who abandon me
~Well...Good Bye 2008...
and BIG WELCOME TO 2009...
2009 gonna be my BIG YEAR...I must strive harder for...everything!!!
This year...I must achieve my dream and get to where I want to be...
Hope this will come true !!!
Hope this year will be a year for me to heal my feelings and to forget you!!!
~Sorry those people...
-that I accidentally hurt your feelings
-that I scolded
-that I hit
~Thank those people...
-who always be there whenever I need help
-who always cheer me up whenever I feel sad
and to those who...
-made me fall down
-laughed at me when I was failure
~~Because...I learned new things after that..
-I learned how to deal with my life
-I learned how to stand up again
-I learned how to amend my mistakes
Thanks for giving me more leaving and laughing at me!!!
-My dearest mom...who always supports and gives me more courage to face things
-My dearest dad...who always smiles and jokes around with me like a close me all things that I ask for
-My brothers...who always hang around and joke with me...without you all, my life will be super boring !!!
-My friends, the shorties (Y, N and E)...who always be by my side whenever I need help...thanks for forgiving my mistakes
-My chicken family...who always listen to my me advices...
I really really apreaciate it a lot...LOVE YOU GUYS MORE AND MORE :X:X:X
Random photo :)
Chinese New Year 2008!
Chinese New Year 2009!
My "bf" and me :P

Feeling jealous as my mom only kisses my bro...super unfair!!!
Being left out...bro! I hate you!!! ble`
Oh no...sweet!!! Mom's kissing me :X
Let's pose together!!!
Pray for a new year :)
N & N...super best friend :X:X:X
Now is some photos of me and my old classmates that I mentioned at the previous entry :)