Where should I start???
Kays, this week is a super shocking week to me
Lol, coz things turned out the opposite my thinkings
I received a SHOCKING NEWS
And be tricked as well, twice some more D: (I'm so noob)
Sumbody must feel very satisfied by nw (coz finally cn trick me)
Bt nvm, I was the one who asked for it so cnt blame anione, haiz
Aniways, this week gave me a lot of surprises n mixed feelings
I enjoyed it a lot >"< Had party on Thurs, coz it was last day be4 CCA stands down...
It was really really fun, I laughed until I gt stomaches plzz
We gt game lyk lucky draw (get presents)
Bt be4 we could take the present, we had to do some punishment >"<
I was called, haiz so unlucky sia...
Forced to sing a song And guess wad? I sang a kindergarten song (so childish n embarrassed sia)
Aniway, I gt present after tat...so it's still considered as lucky coz of limited gifts
So those hu was called first lyk me, would do punishment n get presents
Pity those hu had to do punishment without presents :d:d:d
Then wacthed movie "Night at the Museum"
Ate pizza (yummy, yummy)
Stayed up late to study n do hw these days
Running out of stamina :((
8 more days to EOY Examination
Kays, I should start my revision nw >"< Gud luck to myself n my friendz
Jia you, ppl
Kays, no more things to say...
I shall nw post the pictures for the past few days
My present :X:X:X
On the present, there is a message, here it goes...
"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow...
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead...
Walk beside me and just be my friend"
Kinda touching message, luv it :X:X:X
My grandma n me, miss her lotz (My grandma is SUPER CUTE)
My auntie n me

My grandma's welfare party (miss her >"<)
Who wanna eat burgers (advertisement for Carl's burgers)
My new hair...looks super stupid plssss (hate my hair)
Kays, off for hw nw
Enjoys ur weekend
Love, xoxo