Teachers' Day is coming soon...
1st September 2008...
But mah skul celebrated it on Fri, 30th September 2008
Coz on 1st September is skul holiday
Teachers' Day Celebration was lovely and enjoyable
Morning, we did ACES Workout...
It was fun in stead
I didn't really do it
Coz I kept pushing A Boon...haha
Follow that was Teachers' Captain ball Game
Yay...luv it...Green vs Red house
Normally, Red house is the strongest in every competition
Yay...But somehow, my green house managed to win
Scored 4 goals out of 6
Go Green House !!!
All the performance was so impressive
Cool as well
I love all the songs they sang
-More than words
-That's when I love you
Gave cookies to mah beloved teachers
Luv them, ya!
Yay...I luv holiday...
Bt...I dun really know whether I should call it holiday, manz
Coz I hav to come back skul for extra lessons for almost everyday
And I hav tonnes of hw as well
Let's me see wad I hav to do:
-Mon - tuition
-Tues - Art and SS extra lesson
-Wed - Che extra lesson
-Thurs - Art project
-Sat - go work
-Amath assignment
-Emath assignment
-SS worksheet
-Geo worksheet
-Art presentation
-Phy revision
-Che worksheet + revision
Manz, I gonna be mad soon due to lotz of hw
Watched Wall-e on Sun
It was funny and meaningful show
Human should not rely on machines
Went Bugis to buy new pencil case
Ate dessert, yummy
Back home at 9+
Very sleepy zZz
Went to bed early
Lol...no more things to say...haha
I better go off now
Byebye...enjoy ur weekend