I'm backbackbackback again !!!
For the OSO:
Phewww, finally everything is over
Actually i wanted to blog on Fri itself,
coz on Fri, my school got the OSO (Official School Opening)
Minister and other principals from other schools were invited to come for the OSO (around 300 guests...many luhs)
So the OSO took us a lot of time for preparation...
Almost everyday, i had to stay back for rehearsal...
Nvm it as i finally got the chance to wear the blazer (damn cool...luv it so much
But nvm, i tink our hard work paid off...
The OSO was great, luhs
All the performers were great, too
Luv the drama show (quite funny and enjoyable to watch it)
The dance was damn cool (luv it too :X:X:X)
After all the guests headed home...
We took off the blazzer and had lots of fun
Ate a lot of food too
Enjoys it lots
Yay, we all did the great jobs on tat day
Nw, award myself with a big loud applause pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
Btw, after the OSO...
I was damn tired and ran out of energy
And I had lots and lots of hw as well
God blesses me
I had to stay at home the whole Sun to complete it
Doing hw is like the never ending job, huhs?
Lol, nw i just completed everything...yeahhhhhhhhhh
Freed from hw...so happyyyyyyyy
For today:
Dismissed from sckul at 2pm
But had to wait for my shorties & accompanied Baboon as well
Waited until 3+
Omg...where were they???
Walked around the skul to find them...
One gt CCA & another one was being scolded by the teachers !!! (pity them
Fine...headed home first then
Backkkkk home at 3+
Online n chit chat wif some friends
Finally Nad and Yushan were back home
Got change and met at PP
Bought some pens, bubble tea and waffle
Headed home !!!
Nothing to do...so go n blog ^^
Lolz...no more thing to say....
Picz plsssssssssss
This is my blazer...cool rite
Nad in Angklung uniform and me !!!
Sandy vs Nad
At Sentosa wif Upo
Wif my crazy shortie sistas