I'm feeling much much more better than ever
I love my life....
It goes pretty well these days
Smile n smile n smile a lot today
The reason is tat...today..
My 2 shorties came over to my house to fetch me
Didn't expect them to come this morning
Morning...woke up...was very blur...
Huh??? Who kept laughing so loud downstairs...
Went down and saw them...very shocked and surprised
Walked to skul together...
Shared a lot of lame jokes...lols
And talked and talked lyk we haven't been talked to each other for years....
Today...the bazaar turned out quite well...
All my designs were sold out...
Very happy to see ppl buying my designs
Got 2 special requests for me 2day...
Requested me to make the card and the bookmark for her...
Didn't expect her would request me to make for her...lols
In the end...things didn't turn out so bad lyk wad I thought
Today is my happy day...
So cheer up...la` la' la....
Had tuition from 6+ till 8+
Quite tiring bt I had fun too
Things need to be done:
Teachers' Day gifts
SC cheer
Phys graph
A-math hw
Logo design
Card design
Many huhs???
It's never ending job ^^
Nvm..cheer up and jia you
Okays...off for dinner and hw
Byebye.....Hav a nice day...:X:X:X