Random photos with random faces :)
Good afternoon!
Time check: 1:11
Can't believe that time passes so quickly these few days. I don't want it! One more week of freedom to go and here I come. Back to school with tons of work and presentation. God blesses me!
I was pretty busy last week. Working everyday really drove me insane. Freaking tired but I gained something out of it. Working is kinda fun yet tiring. I don't wish to join the workforce so soon :D even though I would like to earn my own money for SHOPPING XP. Through working, it gives me lots of experiences, new knowledge and get to meet more people. They are all so nice to me. Really love them! I was trying to settle my student pass these few days too. Went for the check up and they withdrew my blood. Somehow, the place that they ejected became blue-black! I HATE NEEDLE!
Yay! I'm so going to get my tablet today! OMG I can't wait. By the way, my aunt just now asked me a question. Here it goes: "You don't want to get your iPod touch anymore?". It's really hard to say because I WANT TO GET IT TOO. However, I can only choose one and I choose the one I NEED not the one I want. I can get it later. IPOD, wait for me. I'm so going to get you real SOON! LOL! I should start saving money from now on again.
Anyway, I've only worked for two weeks yet I managed to earn almost $1400 if I didn't count the money I spent XP. Now I only left $200. Isn't it incredible? I felt so proud of myself. I would never imagine myself could earn that much within a short period. Anyway, for the first time, I find myself being not selfish. I gave the hard-earning money for my brother and aunt to spend too. Now I really understand my mom a little bit more. She's the best. Earning money and willingly giving us to spend for our education is not easy. I know it because I feel that only me can spend my hard-earning money, not everyone else. I should learn to sacrifice. I don't live only for myself, do I?
Yesterday was a darn unlucky day for me. I fell down due to the wet and slippery floor